
About Kaye
Kaye Blegvad is an an artist and maker from London, freshly back home after almost ten years in New York. She works across a variety of different media, including ceramics, metalwork, textiles, and print. Kaye designs everything in this shop, and makes most items by hand. You can view her illustration portfolio here.
Datter Industries is a line of jewellery, designed and made by Kaye Blegvad. It was begun in New York City in 2010, and now is based in London.
Datter is an endeavor to turn drawings and ideas into jewellery. All pieces start out as models hand carved in wax, which are then cast and finished individually by hand in the studio. The work is intended to show signs of being handmade, nothing made too clean or too perfect - the process is part of the piece.
About the shop
This current incarnation of the shop is somewhat stripped back, as I work bit by bit on getting set up in the UK. Right now, jewellery is the main type of item on offer here, but I hope to have a wider variety of items on offer again before too long.
Most of the items (pins, t-shirts, prints, etc) that were made previously have been retired, and won't be made again. It was time for a fresh start, and I am trying to be thoughtful and intentional about what I make next, which isn't exactly the fastest way to work. But I am working on new things, slowly but surely, and I am excited to share them with you down the line.
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